this was totaly boring
I'm gonna tell you why I found it boring.
Its a space shooter, it the basics.
But the bullets/lazers seem to do no damage at all.
The bosses dont feel like bosses, more like indurance rounds.
It preys on your boredom, and for me that happend very quikly.
The enemies are bland and.. well... they seem toe be confused, and not sure what they'r supposed to do.
The "upgrade" system.. *cough* ... realy? Shooting backwards, a side shot that misses everything (could not see past that for me falling asleep).
Upgrades are improvements, not just the same weak bullet flying a differend path. After the "upgrade" I still could not kill for s**t.
The planets on the background hide the bullets sometimes becouse there to bright on the bottom. Made me get hit more then ones, specialy the bosses when a huge planet comes by and blinded me.
A weird point. I dit emedietly reconised the models of the enemies and the bosses. Found them on a 3D-site somewhere. Nice to see they found a place somewhere.
points for improvement:
make the AI know what it wants.
make the upgrades worth a d**m.
make the background the background and not merge with the forground
make the bosses a challange insted of an indurance.